There are a total of 53 trophies worth 1,200 points.
- 1 Platinum
- 2 Gold
- 6 Silver
- 44 Bronze
It is worthwhile to note that nothing in this game is missable and therefore a platinum can be achieved in the post-game without any fear of missing anything. However, some of these trophies are a little grind oriented and it may be advantageous for you to work towards them as you work your way through the main story.
- Learn “Star Saber” or “1H Sword Mastery” from the Skill List
- Hit 2,000 enemies with 1H Sword Skills (You must actually hit an enemy 2,000 times. Multiple hits do not count.)
- Unlock the “2H Spear Mastery” or “Killing Blow” node on the Skill List
- Debuff an enemy 250 times
- Unlock the “Combo Freak” or “Katana Mastery” node on the Skill List
- Perform 3,200 SSCs (You can just do these, you do not need to hit an enemy with them.) Note: In Patch 1.03 this was reduced to 2,400 SCCs
- Unlock the “2H Sword Mastery” or “Lightning Stance” node on the Skill List
- Deal a total damage in excess of 10,000,000
- Unlock the “Tank” node on the Skill List
- Unlock the “1H Sword Mastery” or “Rapier Mastery” node on the Skill List
- Block 3,000 attacks while using Protection Field
- Unlock the “Brave Soul” or “2H Sword Mastery” node on the Skill List
- Perform resurrections 44 times
- Unlock the “Accelerate” or “Veiled Rider” node on the Skill List
- Defeat 2,000 enemies
- Unlock the “Swift Steel” or “Dagger Mastery” node on the Skill List
- Perform 3,000 critical hits
- Unlock the “Banishment” or “1H Club Mastery” node on the Skill List
- Recover 100,000 HP
- Perform Heart Conversations at a variety of date spots around town and answer the questions correctly. You can perform 5 of these per day and can the rest in your room till the next day to do another set.
- While walking around with the partner you are trying to raise affinity/affection witch, stop at a variety of the food stalls around town and feed them.
- Praise them repeatedly in combat when they proc one of their traits. You will be amazed at how quickly the points can rack up when you are constantly praising the same individual over and over.
- Rustoria Plains: Weiss the Kobold Lord
- Oldrobe Forest: Grimm the Provident
- Jeweled Peaks Lakes: Summum, Servant of Fate
- Kurjiez Desert: Abyss the Legate
Collect all trophies.
You will obtain this trophy after unlocking all other trophies.
Complete Rustoria Plains.
When you reach the end of the 1st Area (Rustoria Plains) you will be faced with Weiss the Kobold Lord as the raid boss. After successfully defeating him you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete the Oldrobe Forest.
When you reach the end of the 2nd Area (Oldrobe Forest) you will be faced with Grimm the Provident as the raid boss. After successfully defeating him you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete the Jeweled Peak Lakes.
When you reach the end of the 3rd Area (Jeweled Peak Lakes) you will be faced with Summum, Servant of Fate as the raid boss. After successfully defeating him you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete the Kurjiez Desert.
When you reach the end of the 4th Area (Kurjiez Desert) you will be faced with Abyss the Legate as the raid boss. After successfully defeating him you will be awarded this trophy.
Defeat Genesis in the Temple of Prayers.
When you reach the end of the 5th Area (Temple of Prayers) you will be faced with Genesis as the boss. After successfully defeating him you will be awarded this trophy.
Defeat Tia in Aincrad.
After reaching the end of Aincrad and confronting Tia you will be awarded this trophy upon beating her. Congratulations on beating the main story!
Complete Asuna, Yuuki, and Strea’s quests.
Random events will appear from Asuna, Strea and Yuuki pertaining to these events as you progress through the game with the final one unlocking sometime during the Jeweled Peak Lakes part of the story. After successfully completing this series of side events you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete Liz and Silica’s quests.
Random events will begin to appear from Lizbeth and Silica starting with the Kurjiez Desert part of the story. After completing this series of events you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete Leafa and Philia’s quests.
Random events will begin appearing from Leafa and Phillia starting during the Jeweled Peak Lakes part of the story. After completing this series of events you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete Yui and Argo’s quests.
Random events will begin appearing from Argo and Yui during the Kurjiez Desert part of the story. After completing this series of events you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete Sinon’s quests.
Random events will begin appearing from Sinon over the course of the story with the final one available once you reach the Temple of Prayers part of the story. After completing this series of events you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete the Emperor’s Sword quests.
Random events will begin appearing from a variety of your companions over the course of the story with the final one becoming available after clearing the Kurjiez Desert part of the story. After completing this series of events you will be awarded this trophy.
Complete Kizmel’s quests.
Random events will begin appearing with Asuna and around town involving Kizimel and her series of quests with the final one becoming available during the Jeweled Peak Lakes part of the story. After completing this series of events you will be awarded this trophy.
Have over 10,000 levels divided among all skills.
In order to unlock this trophy you to need attain 10,000 skill levels across all of your learned Weapon and EX Skills. The cap for both categories is 1,000 so you would need 10 skills at level 1,000 or any combination equaling 10,000 levels.
The easiest way to attain this is to level your base weapon skill level from equipping a different weapon and a variety of EX Skills through normal attacks on enemies, especially enemies similar or higher level to you. If you want to maximize your point gains per enemy, get yourself a set of early weapons so you do minimal damage to the enemies allowing you to wail on them longer for more skill level. As you reach a high level or max level on your given weapon and EX Skill, simply change to another one and continue the process.
Learn 200 skills.
You will be awarded this trophy when you unlock 200 different skills on the skill tree. Note, the EX Skills themselves do not count as skills towards this count but they do grant you access to other skills you will need to unlock to attain 200. This trophy goes hand in hand with “Hard Work Pays Off” because you will need the skill points generated from the skill levels that trophy requires in order to unlock the skills.
There are a total of 266 skills available meaning you need to unlock ~75% of them in order to get this trophy.
Reach level 50 with Kirito.
You will obtain this trophy naturally while working on the other trophies towards your platinum. At any time you would like to grind levels some, a good option is to play solo multiplayer mode and fight on the highest difficult you can survive on with a large team of your characters.
Note: In the Shrine Maiden DLC packs that are available there is an option to skip straight to level 80. If you are going to use this do not use it until after you reach level 50. If you use the upgrade from the DLC you will skip over triggering this trophy and will have to start over in order to get this trophy.
Max out a sword skill mastery.
In order to obtain this trophy you need to use any sword skill a total of 10,000 times. You do not have to actually hit anything with the sword skill but you do still have to use it 10,000 times. Finding a spot in a dungeon with no enemies and grinding this away for periods of time until the trophy pops is a good way to break it up and you should choose a skill with you preferred weapon of choice as you have likely used the skill a lot naturally throughout the game anyways. You can check your progress by pulling up your skill of choice in the skill menu.
Get a 10-hit chain with Sword Skill Connect.
In order to obtain this trophy you need to perform a 10-hit Sword Skill Connect (SSC) chain. There are a myriad of ways you can raise your SSC chain cap to 10 or above but the easiest way is to learn the skill Crisis Crescendo from the Celestial Blades EX Skill and Quick Skill from the the Rapier tree.
When you use Crisis Crescendo, you will increase the maximum amount of SSCs you can have in a chain by 16 which puts you over the minimum of 10 that you need in order to get the trophy. Now use Quick Skill which will eliminate the SP consumption of sword skills for a short period of time and chain 10 or more sword skills together to unlock the trophy. For ease of timing the next skill, use sword skills that are only one hit.
Learn the EX Skill “Celestial Blades.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Learn the EX Skill “Thorn of Illusions.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Learn the EX Skill “Soaring Slash.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Learn the EX Skill “Blade of the Damned.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Learn the EX Skill “Righteous Cross.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Learn the EX Skill “Fanged Guardian.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Learn the EX Skill “Warmonger.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Learn the EX Skill “Assassin’s Blade.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Learn the EX Skill “Rejuvenating Touch.”
Note: For the trophy to unlock you do not have to learn the EX Skill, you just need it to appear on the skill list.
Reach maximum affinity with Asuna.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Silica.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Lisbeth.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Leafa.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Sinon.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Yui.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Strea.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Philia.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Premiere.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Argo.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Yuuki.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Kizmel.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Klein.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with Agil.
All of the affection trophies can be gained in the same fashion. Scroll down to the trophy Daddy’s a Player for more details.
Reach maximum affinity with all heroines.
In order to unlock this trophy you need to reach maximum affinity/affection with all of the heroines. Obviously since it says heroines that does not include Agil and Klein, however they do have their own trophies as detailed above. Rain and Seven are also not included in the requirements for this trophy nor do they have a trophy of their own.
There are three main ways to increase you affinity/affection level for this and the underlying required trophies.
Complete the CG Gallery.
Unlock the ability to see all of the CG images in the first four pages of the CG Gallery. There are additional pages, especially if you have any of the Abyss of the Shrine Maiden DLC, but they are not required for this trophy.
Check out the CG Gallery Page for details on how to get all the different images.
Have 100 friends with friendship level “Friendly”.
“Friendly” is Rank 3 of the affinity/affection system. In order to get this trophy you need to have 100 people at Rank 3 or higher. The good news is that the primary story characters all count and since they do, that is a decent number right off the bat that count towards this trophy.
To get started on this go to the Quest Board in town and take some of the available quests and complete them. After completing some of them, some of the NPCs will send you a message saying that they would like to meet up with you in town. Accept the request and find them in town. (They will be relatively easy to spot as they will have a quest indicator above their head.) Upon engaging them they will have an option call “Errands”. Select this option and accept the quest from them as you would from the Quest Board. After you complete the requirements, return to them and turn in the completed quest. At this point they are most likely maxed out on the amount of affinity/affection you can have with them. If they are not, speak to them a few times in order to max it out. After you change areas you should get a message from them that is a friend request. Accept the friend request and they now count towards this trophy. Once they are friend you can also walk around town with them and invite them to your party.
It should be noted that there is no need to actively grind towards completing this trophy. If you do a few of them periodically as you progress through the game, this will come naturally to you. The NPCs and Quest Board do not ask for any rare materials and anything they do request can be farmed pretty easily typically.
Reach maximum enhancement with a weapon.
In order to obtain this trophy you will need to enhance a weapon to level 9. This process can take a lot of materials and col, especially early on, but by late in the game you will likely be doing this on your primary weapons for your primary characters anyways. If materials are your primary constraint on enhancing your gear, use Basara as your blacksmith as he has the capacity to pretty regularly prevent the consumption of the materials on his blacksmithing activities. In the event you do lose materials that you have a limited supply of you can also simply close the game and load it back up and try again.
Find a legendary item.
In order to get a legendary weapon you will need to transform a base weapon through a variety of steps. For details on the base weapons, the legendary weapons themselves and the different steps and required materials, check the Legendary Weapons Page.
Obtain all Last attack Bonuses.
To get this trophy you will need to get the Last Attack Bonus from all four raid bosses in the story. You will know if you have succeeded as you will be awarded an additional piece of gear after the boss fight and will see Kirito/You Name as the one who received the bonus. Thankfully this is not missable. If you fail to get it on your first time fighting the boss, you can simply come back and fight the boss again as many times as you need.
Once you obtain the Last Attack Bonus on all four bosses you will be awarded the trophy. They are…
Have over 1,000,000 col.
This trophy is pretty self-explanatory but it can be a bit of a grind based off how you get col in this game. There are two primary ways to get it, repeat quests from the Quest Board/NPCs and selling the loot you get from treasure chests or as drops from enemies. You have to actually have 1,000,000 col at once.
Defeat 100 Named Monsters (NMs) in multiplayer.
This trophy will unlock after you have defeated 100 NMs in multiplayer mode. They do not have to be different NMs. You can simply keep playing the same area in multiplayer over and over again farming the same one if you so desire.
Beat the game with over 100 hours of playtime.
In order for this trophy to unlock you need to beat Tia in Aincrad with over a 100 hours of played game time. You can either let the game run until you have over the required amount of time or you can come back and fight her again after you have over 100 hours of played game time.
Get wiped out and respawn at the Teleport Gate Plaza.
This trophy will unlock when your party gets wiped out for the first time and you respawn at the Teleport Gate Plaza.
Help a party member in need.
In order to get this trophy you simply need to perform a resurrection on a fallen party member.