A wand filled with the wisdom of ancients from tip to tip. Wielding it requires experience and skill.
Item Specifics
- Type: Weapon
- Sale Price:
- Rarity: 5
- ATK: 1,311
- INT: 4,100
- DEF: 0
- HIT: 0
- GRD: 0
- Factors: +20% Damage to Undead
Recipe Acquisition
- Required Skill: Crafting Level 10
- Secondary Skills: Crafting 24 / Sense 13
- Required Person: Lymle
Recipe Ingredients
- Cane x 1
- Ethereal Queen’s Feather x 1
- Green Beryl x 1
- Mana Ribbon x 1
- Philosopher’s Stone x 1
Ingredient Of
- N/A
Quest Objective
- N/A
Obtained From
- Crafting