The following is a list of locations to obtain Mini Medals. Looking for what you can use Mini Medal for? Check out the Mini Medal Exchange Shop & Stamps Page.
Act I
- Heliodor
- The Manglegrove
- Find the treasure chest in the northeastern dead end.
- Hotto Steppe
- Find the treasure chest in the southwestern part of the area.
- Hotto Village
- Find the treasure chest outside the house in the southwestern part of town.
- Cryptic Crypts
- Find the treasure chest in the small northeastern room.
- Gallopolis Region
- Find the treasure chest in the southern part of the area.
- The Sultanate of Gallopolis
- Find the treasure chest in the southwest corner of town.
- Laguna di Gondolia
- Find the treasure chest in the platform area in the center of section of the map.
- Gondolia
- Find in a cabinet in the northeastern house.
- Grotta della Fonte
- Find the treasure chest south of the campsite.
- Zwaardsrust Region
- Find in the center of the field to the west of the Inn.
- Warrior’s Rest Inn
- Find the treasure chest on the balcony on the second floor.
- Ruins of Dundrasil
- Find in a pot at the top of the ladder at the end of the narrow path to your right.
- Dundrasil Region
- Find the treasure chest in the building in the southwestern part of the area.
- Octangonia
- Puerto Valor
- Find on the second floor of the Casino.
- The Strand
- Find the treasure chest near the shipwreck.
- Lonalulu
- Nautica
- Find the treasure chest behind the palace.
- L’Academie
- Find in a jar in the Headmaster’s Room.
- Find in a barrel in the Slime’s Cabin down in the well.
- Find in a cabinet in the southwest Dorm Room.
- Eerie Eyrie
- Find in a treasure chest located on a ledge near the river in the center of the map. You will need an Eggsoskeleton to reach it.
- The Champs Sauvage
- Find in a treasure chest to the west of the Campsite.
- Phnom Nonh
- Find in a jar on the balcony of the northeast house.
- Other Side
- Find in a treasure chest on the lower level at the northern dead end.
- Sniflheim Region
- Find in a treasure chest in the cabin at the dead end to the north of the city.
- Viking Hideout
- Find in a barrel.
- Snaerfelt
- Find in a treasure chest on the west side of the upper level. You need to use the local mount to get up the ramp.
- Sniflheim
- Arborian Highlands
- Find in a treasure chest in the north when climbing the spiral. You will need to use an Eggsoskeleton to reach it.
- Find in a treasure chest north of the Campsite. (Available after you visit Arboria.)
- Arboria
- Find in a treasure chest to the right of the stairs near the entrance.
- Magic Key Required
- The Sultinate of Gallopolis
- Gondolia
- Dundrasil Region x 3
- Lonalulu
- L’Academie
- Insula Occidentalis
- Find in the jars near the cabin in the southeast.
- Insula Orientalis
- Find in a jar in the north near the wall.
- Insula Centralis
- Find in a treasure chest.
Act II
- Nautica
- Find in a treasure chest to the northwest of the Item Shop on the lower level. Fish Required.
- Last Bastion
- Find in a barrel in the northwest broken house.
- Heliodor Dungeons
- Find in a barrel in the middle south cell on the lower level./
- Heliodor Sewers
- Find in a treasure chest in the small room to the northwest.
- The Manglegrove
- Find in a treasure chest in the newly available area in the southwest.
- Mount Pang Hai
- Find in a treasure chest at the end of of a dead end in the west of the first area.
- Angri-La
- Find in a jar in the eastern room on the middle level.
- Dundrasil Region
- Find in a treasure chest to the north. You need to have the Demonrider mount to reach it.
- Insula Algarum
- Find in a treasure chest on the small island. The flying dragon mount is needed to reach it.
- Sniflheim Region
- Find in a treasure chest north of the Shelter.
- Hotto
- Find in a cabinet in the back of the shrine.
- The Battleground
- Find in a treasure chest in the southern part of B2.
- Mount Huji
- Find in a treasure chest in the center of the Cladera Area. Requires the area mount to break the rock leading to it.
- Arborian Highlands
- After visiting Arboria, find in a treasure chest north of the campsite. This is the same as the last one you got here.
- First Forest
- Find in a treasure chest below the altar. This is the same chest as before.
- Heliodor Castle
- Find in a barrel in a room east of the kitchen.
- Cobblestone
- After the Cobblestone Postgame Event, find in a barrel in Gemma’s House.
- Insula Centralis
- Find in the treasure chest reachable by the flying mount.
- Disciple’s Trial
- Disciple’s Trial – Cruel Crypt: Find in a small room in the northeast in the center of the top level.
- Disciple’s Trial – Eerie Eyrie: Find in a treasure chest on the a ledge near the center of the map. You must have the flying mount to reach it.
- Sage’s Trial
- Sage’s Trial – Fierce Forest: Find in a treasure chest after you turn around after taking the southern teleporter.
- Ultimate Key Required
- Gondolia
- Champs Sauvage – Whale Way
Events / Quests
- Quests
- Events & Monster Drops
- Puerto Valor: Receive after staying at the Medal Hotel for the first time.
- Phnom Nonh: Receive after staying at the Medal Hotel for the first time.
- The Sultanate of Gallopolis: Black Cup – Consolation Prize (Repeatable & Farmable)
- Common Drop: Umbra (Disciple’s Trial – Cruel Crypt)
- Common Drop: Vicious Bloody Hand (Disciple’s Trial – Cruel Crypt – During the Night)
- Common Drop: Vicious Penny Pincher (Disciple’s Trial – Cruel Crypt)
- Common Drop: Vicious Octopot (Disciple’s Trial – Errie Eyrie)
- Common Drop: Gold Grabber (Luminary’s Trial)
- Common Drop: Mega Mimic (The Other Side)
- Common Drop: Vicious Hardy Hand (Sage’s Trial – Fierce Forest)
- Common Drop: Vicious Token Taker (Sage’s Trial – Hoarder’s Keep)
- Common Drop: Vicious Gold-Plated Puppet (Sage’s Trial – Hoarder’s Keep – During the Day)
- Common Drop: Vicious Ham Shamwitch (Sage’s Trial – Hoarder’s Keep – During the Night)